Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Western Division of the American Fisheries Society

Idaho Chapter of the
American Fisheries Society
2025 Annual Meeting

Understanding psychological biases

Instructor: Christopher Saunders – ADA County Sheriff's Office

Date and Time: April 1, 2025; Half Day (8am - 12pm)

Lunch: Not provided

Fee: $50 ($0 for students)

Maximum Number of Participants: 50

Description: Christopher Saunders is the Administrative Deputy Director for the Ada County Sheriff's Office in Boise, Idaho. He has more than 7 years of experience teaching bias trainings and has been working in law enforcement for nearly 15 years. This workshop will examine the history of bias training, why the old approach wasn’t effective, and how to look at bias through a completely different lens. Through this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the roots of bias and how to identify examples of bias in their everyday lives. Participants will then be given the tools to apply this new information into their personal and professional worlds. We all have implicit biases that we are not always aware of and when we learn to recognize, address, and mitigate these biases, we can welcome more positive and productive interactions. The skills learned in this workshop can be applied to our hiring processes, interactions with the public, collaboration with our work partners, and in our everyday lives.