The Lamprey Lens - Incorporating Lampreys into Restoration and Monitoring Projects
Instructors: Monica Blanchard, Christina Wang, Ann Grote, and Max Calloway U.S Fish and Wildlife Service
Date and Time: April 29, 2024; Half Day (8am - 12pm)
Lunch: Not provided
Maximum Number of Participants: 30
Description:Pacific and Western River lampreys are native anadromous fish that live throughout the northwest; however, though their populations have declined in concert with Pacific salmonids, they are rarely incorporated into stream monitoring projects and restoration efforts. Lack of awareness has been identified as a key threat to the protection and restoration of Pacific Lamprey and other native lamprey species across their historical range. This is especially true in the northern reaches of their range, in Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. The goal of this workshop is to address this lack of awareness and train biologists and practitioners to evaluate projects through a “lamprey lens”. This workshop will educate participants about native lamprey species, basic biology and habitat use, ecological importance, and known distributions. Participants will learn how to incorporate lampreys into project planning and implementation, with a focus on restoration and passage projects. The workshop will provide tools that participants can apply in their home watersheds, including techniques for monitoring and identification of lamprey species and life stage, as well as best management guidelines for incorporating lampreys into projects.